Monday, May 19, 2014
The Last Post
Sadly, this will be my final blog post about my internship at Applied Biophysics. This year, Fridays have been my favorite day of the week - not in anticipation of the weekend - but because I got to spend every Friday morning learning about the nature of cell behavior and diving into the world of physics with some brilliant minds! (I mean, how many people can say that they were able to work in the same office as a Nobel Prize winner in physics?!) I have had the privilege to work with some extremely kind and intelligent men who have made this internship such and extraordinary experience. I could not have asked for a better mentor - Dr. Keese. His expertise and generosity has informed how I view research, the field of biophysics, and pursuing a career in the sciences. I have truly learned so much through this internship over the course of my senior year- from the physics behind electrode measurements, to culturing cells in a hood, to putting creative ideas into reality. I am so glad that I will be able to carry my newfound knowledge into college, and pursing research opportunities in the sciences.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Time Lapse Attempt #1
Today, Dr. Keese, Dr. Renken and I set up the equipment required for our time lapse imaging of experiment. In this experiment we will be examining how BSC-1 and MDCK cells interact with one another when co-cultred. As we have seen in the past, MDCK cells have the tendency to form like-cell islands amongst BSC-1 cells. We would like to see how these islands are formed over time. The basic mechanisms required for our time-lapse experiment are:
- Phase contrast microscope
- special ECIS loading dock with windows, water channel system, and gas inlet
- BSC-1 and MDCK cells
- CO2 pump and bubbler
- Nixon camera with microscope lens attachment
- Water pump
Here is an image of the time lapse setup:
In Friday's experiment, we are just looking a BSC-1 cells using time lapse. This test run will help us work out any kinks such as adjusting the magnification, CO2 levels, etc. in order to be prepared for this Friday when we place a co-cultured sample of BSC-1 cells and MDCK cells into this contraption! I'm not sure if we are going to add ECIS measurements to this Friday's run, although that is possible for us to do. I'm hoping our experiment went well and I'll be able to post a time-lapse movie on my next blog post!
Most of the equipment used in this setup is to keep the cells healthy & happy. Cells like to stay in a warm, moist, environment- hence the water pump that sends 37 degree Celsius water through the channels of the dock they are encased in. The CO2 pump keeps the cells at ~ 5% CO2. The rest of the setup is pretty self explanatory: the camera is set up to take 1,000 frames over a 72 hour period, and the microscope is for magnifying the cells using phase contrast. Phase contrast is essentially a system of lenses that are arranged to allow a specific amount of light in, thus highlighting cells which are otherwise transparent bodies. Here is a picture that demonstrates how phase contrast highlights a cell:
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Cells magnified with traditional bright field microscope (left) and phase contrast (right). |
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Hu Tu-80 Dilution Series and L-cell Islands
Today at Applied Biophysics I ran an experiment using a new type of cell known as Hu Tu-80. Despite its catchy sounding name, Hu Tu-80 cells are actually a bit sinister- they are human intestinal cancer cells. So far I have worked only with animal cells- from monkeys, dogs, and mice. This new human cell line looked similar to the animal cells I have worked with. Hu Tu-80 cells share some of the same properties as MDCK cells such as their cobblestone-shaped growth, but had more defined cell boundaries similar to that of BSC-1 cells.
This experiment is designed to examine the effects of BSA and Gelatin on varying concentrations of Hu Tu-80 cells. In this experiment, I used a 96W1E+ (which is an electrode array with 96 wells, and one electrode in each well). In the odd columns, I coated the wells with BSA (Bovine Serum Albumin), and the even columns were coated with Gelatin. BSA is used as a protective agent for cells from oxidative damage, and also serves to stabilize components of media such as fatty acids and pyridoxal. Gelatin is made from the collagen of animal parts and is primarily used to improve cell attachment. I let 200 micro liters of these two solutions sit in the wells for about 5 minutes, suctioned out the wells, and then added varying concentrations of Hu Tu-80 cell mixture to each of the wells. The Hu Tu-80 cell solution was diluted with a corresponding amount of regular medium. Here is the layout of my 96 array (the last two columns are empty):
L-cell and BSC-1 dilution series results:
Next week, I will be working with Dr. Keese to begin setting up the time lapse equipment for our next experiment! We will be using the time lapse video to watch the formation of these islands in real time. Can't wait!!
This experiment is designed to examine the effects of BSA and Gelatin on varying concentrations of Hu Tu-80 cells. In this experiment, I used a 96W1E+ (which is an electrode array with 96 wells, and one electrode in each well). In the odd columns, I coated the wells with BSA (Bovine Serum Albumin), and the even columns were coated with Gelatin. BSA is used as a protective agent for cells from oxidative damage, and also serves to stabilize components of media such as fatty acids and pyridoxal. Gelatin is made from the collagen of animal parts and is primarily used to improve cell attachment. I let 200 micro liters of these two solutions sit in the wells for about 5 minutes, suctioned out the wells, and then added varying concentrations of Hu Tu-80 cell mixture to each of the wells. The Hu Tu-80 cell solution was diluted with a corresponding amount of regular medium. Here is the layout of my 96 array (the last two columns are empty):
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Green columns are BSA coated, yellow columns are Gelatin coated. |
Two weeks ago, I performed a dilution series experiment with L-cells and BSC-1 cells. I was testing these two cells types to see if they formed islands like the BSC-1 and MDCK cells did. The result: YES! As the concentration of L-cells increased, L-cell islands became more prevalent. Dr. Keese stained a row of my array to show how the number of islands increased. In the following pictures, you can see these stained wells: ( *L-cells are the dark, circular cells* )
Pure BSC-1
Light inoculation - .0625 concentration of L cells
L-cells islands become more prevalent at .25 concentration
L-cell islands become as populous as BSC-1 cells
Pure L-cells
Next week, I will be working with Dr. Keese to begin setting up the time lapse equipment for our next experiment! We will be using the time lapse video to watch the formation of these islands in real time. Can't wait!!
Monday, April 7, 2014
L-Cell dilution series and hemocytometer usage
After a two-week vacation, it was refreshing to get back to my internship at Applied Biophysics. It was great to get back to the lab, creating a new co-culturing experiment and learning learning how to count cells using a Hemocytometer.
Before I delve into the details of my internship on Friday, I'd like to write a quick happy birthday to the amazing Dr. Ivar Giaever who celebrated his 85th birthday on Saturday! An esteemed physicist, Dr. Ivar Giaever is a professor emeritus at RPI, a professor-at-large at the University of Oslo, and president of Applied Biophysics. And did I mention he won the 1973 Nobel Prize in Physics for his studies in tunneling phenomena in superconductors? I love hearing stories about Dr. Giaever, from his stories of his travels to across the world, to his take on global climate change. Happy birthday!
Back to the science! I am now working on another dilution series that has the same format as my past 96w20idf experiments with MDCK and BSC-1 cells, but instead of MDCK, I am using L-cells (mouse endothelial cells). The object of this experiment is to compare the behaviors of our previous cell combinations of MDCK and BSC-1 (epithelial/epithelial) to a mixture of BSC-1 and L-Cells (epithelial/fibroblast). Here is the layout of this 96w20idf dilution series:
Before I delve into the details of my internship on Friday, I'd like to write a quick happy birthday to the amazing Dr. Ivar Giaever who celebrated his 85th birthday on Saturday! An esteemed physicist, Dr. Ivar Giaever is a professor emeritus at RPI, a professor-at-large at the University of Oslo, and president of Applied Biophysics. And did I mention he won the 1973 Nobel Prize in Physics for his studies in tunneling phenomena in superconductors? I love hearing stories about Dr. Giaever, from his stories of his travels to across the world, to his take on global climate change. Happy birthday!
Back to the science! I am now working on another dilution series that has the same format as my past 96w20idf experiments with MDCK and BSC-1 cells, but instead of MDCK, I am using L-cells (mouse endothelial cells). The object of this experiment is to compare the behaviors of our previous cell combinations of MDCK and BSC-1 (epithelial/epithelial) to a mixture of BSC-1 and L-Cells (epithelial/fibroblast). Here is the layout of this 96w20idf dilution series:
Cell Counting using Hemocytometer:
Once I finished setting up my dilution series experiment, I learned how to use a hemocytometer to manually count cells. The idea behind this device is to take a small, manageable amount sample of cell mixture, and use it to make an estimate of how many cells are present in a larger volume of that same mixture. Hemocytometers are commonly used to count blood cells (hence the name hemo (meaning blood) cyto (meaning cell) and meter (meaning count)). Here is what a hemocytometer looks like:
To use the hemocytometer, one pipettes a small drop of cells suspended in medium into the tiny v-shaped notch as seen in the image above. There is a cover slide that sits on top of the raised part of the hemocytometer, which the cell solution slips under and fills. Capillary action draws the liquid into the space between the cover slip and the glass surface, creating a uniform layer of liquid .1mm in depth. There is a microscopic, laser-etched grid on both sides of the hemocytometer, which looks like this:
Using the applicable objective, I magnified one of the 4x4 squares, and counted the number of cells within this square. With cells that are on the edge of the square, only count those that touch the top and left sides of the square (it's just common practice). To calculate the cell concentration per ml, use this simple formula:
I counted up 5 of the 4x4 squares for both a sample of L-cells and a sample of BSC-1 cells which were left over from my dilution series experiment. I counted up 32 L cells and 34 BSC-1 cells, two values that are relatively similar. This similarity is good because that means the cell solutions used in my dilution series will be relatively reliable.
We did not perform this in my experiment, but one can use a hemocytometer to calculate the cell viability count by staining cells with Trypan Blue. Trypan Blue is a "vital stain" that colors dead cells blue due to the incorporation of color into the proteins of dead cells, and leaves live cells colorless.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
March 14, 2014
I will be going on spring break for the next two weeks, as will Dr. Keese, therefore we did not start any new experiments on Friday. I prepared cells for freezing, cultured spare inoculations of BSC-1 cells, and analyzed my data from last week.
The L cells (mouse fibroblast cells) that Dr. Keese and I thawed last week are alive and healthy, and actually exhibiting some unexpected properties. Applied Biophysics acquired these cells from a lab in Korea because they were said to have unusual behavior when examined with ECIS. These cells supposedly caused the graph of impedance to ocilate. When I looked at these cells under the microscope, they looked very different than the BSC-1 and MDCK cells I am accustomed to working with. These L cells looked like they had grown in layers on top of each other. This behavior is abnormal, as cells are supposed to cease dividing and growing upon contact with other cells, forming a single confluent layer. This behavior is known as contact inhibition, and is characteristic of normal stoma tic cells grown in culture. Dr. Keese and I will look into the mystery of the L cells when we get back to break. I will be performing a dilution series experiment on these cells, coculturing them with BSC-1 cells. It will be interesting to see if the L cells and BSC-1 cells will form tiny "islands" like the BSC-1 and MDCK cells did.
Here are fluorescent stained images of the three cell types I have worked with in my internship thus far:
**(note the difference in cell junctions- these junctions are one of the main things we are looking at when analyzing these cells with ECIS.)
As for freezing the cells, I followed the same procedure outlined in last week's blog post. I suspended the cells, and placed them into a mixture of DMEM medium, 20% fetal bovine serum, and 10% DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide). The DMSO will lower the freezing point of the medium, allowing the cells to freeze at a slower rate thereby reducing the chance of ice crystals forming which can rupture cell membranes. The cells are now ready to be put into small capsules to be cooled at 1°C per minute. Then, they are placed into a container of liquid nitrogen, which keeps them at a balmy -346°F and -320.44°F. I also resuspended a few flasks with a very sparse amount of cells, that way, they will reach confluence at a slower rate, and they will have enough medium to last them until my next visit in April.
The L cells (mouse fibroblast cells) that Dr. Keese and I thawed last week are alive and healthy, and actually exhibiting some unexpected properties. Applied Biophysics acquired these cells from a lab in Korea because they were said to have unusual behavior when examined with ECIS. These cells supposedly caused the graph of impedance to ocilate. When I looked at these cells under the microscope, they looked very different than the BSC-1 and MDCK cells I am accustomed to working with. These L cells looked like they had grown in layers on top of each other. This behavior is abnormal, as cells are supposed to cease dividing and growing upon contact with other cells, forming a single confluent layer. This behavior is known as contact inhibition, and is characteristic of normal stoma tic cells grown in culture. Dr. Keese and I will look into the mystery of the L cells when we get back to break. I will be performing a dilution series experiment on these cells, coculturing them with BSC-1 cells. It will be interesting to see if the L cells and BSC-1 cells will form tiny "islands" like the BSC-1 and MDCK cells did.
Here are fluorescent stained images of the three cell types I have worked with in my internship thus far:
**(note the difference in cell junctions- these junctions are one of the main things we are looking at when analyzing these cells with ECIS.)
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L-Cells (Mouse fibroblast cells) Lay down collagen in the cell, giving the cell structure. (Fluorescence Digital Image Gallery, FSU) |
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MDCK cells (Madin-Darby Canine Kidney cells) Epithelial cells form tight junctions in confluent layer. (MDCK Epithelial line, |
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BSC-1 cells (African Green Monkey cells) BSC-1 cells in the process of dividing (Cell Division Mistakes, Laboratory News Network) |
As for freezing the cells, I followed the same procedure outlined in last week's blog post. I suspended the cells, and placed them into a mixture of DMEM medium, 20% fetal bovine serum, and 10% DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide). The DMSO will lower the freezing point of the medium, allowing the cells to freeze at a slower rate thereby reducing the chance of ice crystals forming which can rupture cell membranes. The cells are now ready to be put into small capsules to be cooled at 1°C per minute. Then, they are placed into a container of liquid nitrogen, which keeps them at a balmy -346°F and -320.44°F. I also resuspended a few flasks with a very sparse amount of cells, that way, they will reach confluence at a slower rate, and they will have enough medium to last them until my next visit in April.
My data from last week was in keeping with the results from our original co-culturing experiment. Because our discovery of these cell "islands" was replicated, we can now move on and study them under time-lapse, and test other cell types to see if they behave in a similar manner. Looking forward to putting together the time-lapse equipment for observation of these cell islands!
Figure 1: Micheal W. Davidson, FSU. (Oct 14, 2004). Embryonic Swiss Mouse Fibroblast Cells (3T3). [Fluorescence digital image].
Figure 2: (n.d.). Madin-Darby Canine Kidney Epithelial Cells (MDCK Line). [Fluorescence digital image].
Figure 3: Laboratory News Network. (Feb 2, 2011). Understanding how cell division mistakes lead to human disorders. [Fluorescence digital imaging].
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Another busy day for me at Applied Biophysics! On Friday, I learned how to freeze and thaw cells, how to take images of stained cells under the microscope, and re-created the 96w20idf experiment that I had previously done with the help of my mentor on February the 7th.
Thawing & Freezing Cells:
It is common lab practice to freeze cells that are not being used in order to preserve them for long periods of time. This coming Friday, I will be using a new kind of cell: L cells! These cells are mouse fibroblast cells, which are responsible for laying down collagen- giving structure to living tissues. These cells have been stored in a container of liquid nitrogen for years at quite the chilly temperature, -346°F and -320.44°F. Before cells are put into this frigid environment, complete medium is added along with a cryoprotective agent such as dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). This agent is extremely permeable, and slips right past the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membrane, and into the cell. DMSO will lower the freezing point of the medium, allowing the cells to freeze at a slower rate thereby reducing the chance of ice crystals forming which can rupture cell membranes. To prevent cells from dying, it is necessary to freeze the cells at a controlled rate decreasing the temperature by 1°C per minute.
Thawing cells is much easier than the freezing process. To thaw our L cells, we located the vial within the liquid nitrogen chamber, and placed them into a water bath at 37°C. Once thawed, we pipetted the L cells into a T-25 flask and added fresh medium. Then, we placed the cells in the incubator and waited for them to attach to the surface of the flask and begin to form a confluent layer. At the end of my internship on Friday, Dr. Keese and I took a look at these cells, and saw that after about 3 hours, they still had not begun to attach to the surface of the flask. These cells might have been frozen improperly, causing them to die. Hopefully this is not the case, but I will post an update on the status of my L cells on my next blog post.
Results of Cell-Staining Experiment:
Last week, I created a series of pure and 50/50 MDCK and BSC-1 cell dilutions. Dr. Keese stained these cells over a period of time to demonstrate the growth and behavior of my co-cultured cells. We found that the MDCK cells and BSC-1 cells grew into islands of like-cell types. Here is an example of an island of MDCK cells surrounded by BSC-1 cells:
96w20idf Experiment:
In any experiment, it is necessary to be able to reproduce your findings in order to draw accurate conclusions about your data. I re-did the very complicated 96w20idf experiment from two weeks ago so that we can be sure our data is reliable. This week, I reproduced this experiment 100% on my own, and realized how far I've come throughout my internship experience at Applied Biophysics. I remember on day one when I was lost in the jargon of brilliant scientists talking about frequency scans, dilution series, and plasma etching, and had not the slightest idea of what Electric Cell-substrate Impedance Sensing was. On completing this co-culturing dilution series experiment, I realized how much I've learned, and how this internship has allowed me to apply what I've learned about biology to the real world.
Thawing & Freezing Cells:
It is common lab practice to freeze cells that are not being used in order to preserve them for long periods of time. This coming Friday, I will be using a new kind of cell: L cells! These cells are mouse fibroblast cells, which are responsible for laying down collagen- giving structure to living tissues. These cells have been stored in a container of liquid nitrogen for years at quite the chilly temperature, -346°F and -320.44°F. Before cells are put into this frigid environment, complete medium is added along with a cryoprotective agent such as dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). This agent is extremely permeable, and slips right past the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membrane, and into the cell. DMSO will lower the freezing point of the medium, allowing the cells to freeze at a slower rate thereby reducing the chance of ice crystals forming which can rupture cell membranes. To prevent cells from dying, it is necessary to freeze the cells at a controlled rate decreasing the temperature by 1°C per minute.
Thawing cells is much easier than the freezing process. To thaw our L cells, we located the vial within the liquid nitrogen chamber, and placed them into a water bath at 37°C. Once thawed, we pipetted the L cells into a T-25 flask and added fresh medium. Then, we placed the cells in the incubator and waited for them to attach to the surface of the flask and begin to form a confluent layer. At the end of my internship on Friday, Dr. Keese and I took a look at these cells, and saw that after about 3 hours, they still had not begun to attach to the surface of the flask. These cells might have been frozen improperly, causing them to die. Hopefully this is not the case, but I will post an update on the status of my L cells on my next blog post.
Results of Cell-Staining Experiment:
Last week, I created a series of pure and 50/50 MDCK and BSC-1 cell dilutions. Dr. Keese stained these cells over a period of time to demonstrate the growth and behavior of my co-cultured cells. We found that the MDCK cells and BSC-1 cells grew into islands of like-cell types. Here is an example of an island of MDCK cells surrounded by BSC-1 cells:
I took this picture with a camera that can be attached to the eye piece of a microscope. (Getting the cells in focus is much harder than it seems due to the fact that the microscope itself has to be in focus as does the zoom function on the camera.)
**Side note: After spring break, Dr. Keese said that we will put together a time lapse video of the growth of our co-cultured cells!!)96w20idf Experiment:
In any experiment, it is necessary to be able to reproduce your findings in order to draw accurate conclusions about your data. I re-did the very complicated 96w20idf experiment from two weeks ago so that we can be sure our data is reliable. This week, I reproduced this experiment 100% on my own, and realized how far I've come throughout my internship experience at Applied Biophysics. I remember on day one when I was lost in the jargon of brilliant scientists talking about frequency scans, dilution series, and plasma etching, and had not the slightest idea of what Electric Cell-substrate Impedance Sensing was. On completing this co-culturing dilution series experiment, I realized how much I've learned, and how this internship has allowed me to apply what I've learned about biology to the real world.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Co-Culture results
I'm very excited to share my results from my co-culturing experiment! Dr. Keese and I came across some very interesting results, especially in the to 50% MDCK/50%BSC-I mixtures. This is the first time anyone has performed a co-culturing experiment using ECIS, so Dr. Keese was just as excited as I was to see the outcomes of this experiment. We expected to see these two different types of cells to integrate with one another, attaching to the surface of the electrode in an evenly mixed layer. However, we found that these cells joined together in like-groups, looking like islands under the microscope. With this conclusion, it would not be logical to perform a wound healing assay on our next co-culturing experiment as we had originally planned. A wound-healing assay would kill off any cells on the electrode, and therefore would kill one type of cell- whichever island had attached to the electrode.
With this new insight into how different cell types interact with one another, we need to redesign the next steps in our ongoing co-culturing experiment.
First, it is critical to take a deeper look into how these islands are formed, and why. To do this, I filled 16 wells of a cell plate with varying concentrations of MDCK and BSC-I cells. I filled two wells with pure MDCK, two with pure BSC-I, and 12 with a 50/50 mixture of both cell types (1ml of solution per well). This cell plate does not contain any electrodes, it is purely for the purposes of examining the growth of cells under the microscope. Dr. Keese will be staining the cells incrementally to see how they attach to the surface, and at what rate they will form like-groups. I will be working with different cell types in the future to see if all cells form like-groups when grown together in the same environment. I'm looking forward to posting pictures of these stained cells in next Friday's blog post!
Finally, Dr. Keese and I analyzed our results in ECIS. Although the number of MDCK cells seemed to have been was lower than the BSC1 cells (a possible source of error), we still had nicely mixed cell population data. Our results are best demonstrated in a frequency scan. Here is the frequency scan displaying the results from every well:
And here is the frequency scan that I have manipulated to display the average of all pure MDCK wells, pure BSC-I, .5/.5 mixture, and cell-free solution (medium):
As you can see from these two frequency scans, MDCK cells show up better at lower frequencies, and then switch places with BSC-I cells at around 20 hours. At about this time, the .5/.5 mixture is seen as having a higher resistance than both the MDCK and BSC-I cells. What frequency tells us about our data: At higher frequencies, impedance is more affected by extent of cell-coverage, whereas at lower frequencies, we are better able to see the changes in the spaces between or underneath the cells.
A few weeks ago, Dr. Keese gave me a presentation on how ECIS works, and spoke about cell migration. I remember that in one slide of his presentation, there was a video of cells, and how they grew in response to a wound healing assay. I asked him if using this type of time-lapse video would be beneficial to seeing how our two types of cells are interacting with one other. We will have to wait and see what his answer is next week! Here is an example of the time-lapse documentation of cell migration I am referencing:
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
On Friday, Dr. Keese and I ran our first co-culture experiment with a 96 array! We used a 96w20idf, an array with interlocking pattern of electrodes. Because this is such a complicated experiment, Dr. Keese demonstrated the techniques needed for measuring out and pipetting our dilution series with the first 6 columns. He worked with the MDCK cells while I handled the BSC-I cells. It was helpful to get a refresher on how to passage cells, and how to handle 96 arrays.
The first step was to get our cells to round up off the bottom of the flask using trypsin, and enzyme that temporarily damages cell walls (and also adding EDTA for the MDCK cells). Once the cells were no longer a confluent layer, I added 20 mL of medium to the cells. I made sure the cells were evenly distributed throughout the solution by pipetting the mixture up and down, a technique known as titration. Then, I pipetted the cell-medium mixture into two tubes, and set those aside while I prepared the dilution series.
In this experiment, we were essentially running two separate dilution series: one with MDCK cells diluted with BSC-I cells, and the other with BSC-I diluted with MDCK. To recap the layout of this experiment, here are the tables I used in last week's post:
Volumes of cells per column:
I labeled 5 tubes with each concentration ratio, and pipetted 4 mL of BSC-I cells into the first tube, 2mL into the second, then 1mL, .5mL, and finally, .25mL. Then, began to add in the MDCK cells that Dr. Keese had helped me passage. I did not put any into the first tube, as this will be pure BSC. The second tube I added 2ml, the third tube 3mL, then 3.5mL, and lastly 3.75mL.
Now my dilution series is ready to be inserted into the wells of the array! After giving a quick flick to each tube to mix the cells around, I poured the first tube into a trough. Using the special, 8-tipped pipetter, I drew up enough liquid to fill each well (300 µL per well). I repeated this step 5 times, filling each column with a different BSC/MDCK cell mixture. Once Dr. Keese and I filled the entire array, it was off to the ECIS machine to plug in my array! Can't wait to see what this week's data looks like!
The first step was to get our cells to round up off the bottom of the flask using trypsin, and enzyme that temporarily damages cell walls (and also adding EDTA for the MDCK cells). Once the cells were no longer a confluent layer, I added 20 mL of medium to the cells. I made sure the cells were evenly distributed throughout the solution by pipetting the mixture up and down, a technique known as titration. Then, I pipetted the cell-medium mixture into two tubes, and set those aside while I prepared the dilution series.
In this experiment, we were essentially running two separate dilution series: one with MDCK cells diluted with BSC-I cells, and the other with BSC-I diluted with MDCK. To recap the layout of this experiment, here are the tables I used in last week's post:
Volumes of cells per column:

I labeled 5 tubes with each concentration ratio, and pipetted 4 mL of BSC-I cells into the first tube, 2mL into the second, then 1mL, .5mL, and finally, .25mL. Then, began to add in the MDCK cells that Dr. Keese had helped me passage. I did not put any into the first tube, as this will be pure BSC. The second tube I added 2ml, the third tube 3mL, then 3.5mL, and lastly 3.75mL.
Now my dilution series is ready to be inserted into the wells of the array! After giving a quick flick to each tube to mix the cells around, I poured the first tube into a trough. Using the special, 8-tipped pipetter, I drew up enough liquid to fill each well (300 µL per well). I repeated this step 5 times, filling each column with a different BSC/MDCK cell mixture. Once Dr. Keese and I filled the entire array, it was off to the ECIS machine to plug in my array! Can't wait to see what this week's data looks like!
Monday, February 3, 2014
On Friday, I took a look at my data from my 8W1E co-culture experiment, dove deeper into the theory behind ECIS, and planned out my 96W20idf experiment for next week.
Dr. Keese showed me a power point presentation that helped me understand the more technical side of ECIS. We spoke about the significance of different frequency levels and the physics behind the different types of 96-well arrays.
The first 96 array we spoke about is the 96W1E+, an array with two circular electrodes in each well. This array is used for measuring micromotion of cells, and for wound healing assays. Micromotion is the fluctuation of cell movement as measured by electrodes. Micromotion occurs even after a confluent layer of cells is formed, allowing us to take a close look at cell behavior throughout an entire experiment. 96W1E+ arrays are also used for wound healing assays. In a wound healing assay, electrodes send out electrical currents that will kill the cells in the vicinity of the electrode. This process will cause the cell membranes to become porous, and medium will leak into the cell, causing it to die. Wound healing assays allow us to examine the rate at which other cells will move in to heal the wound.
Procedure: Using 10 tubes, we will dilute MDCK with BSC-I cells for the first five columns, and then dilute the BSC-I cells with MDCK in the last 5 columns. I will pipette 400 µl of cell mixture into each well. These will be the volumes of cells per column I will need for this experiment.
ECIS Theory for Distribution:
Dr. Keese showed me a power point presentation that helped me understand the more technical side of ECIS. We spoke about the significance of different frequency levels and the physics behind the different types of 96-well arrays.
The first 96 array we spoke about is the 96W1E+, an array with two circular electrodes in each well. This array is used for measuring micromotion of cells, and for wound healing assays. Micromotion is the fluctuation of cell movement as measured by electrodes. Micromotion occurs even after a confluent layer of cells is formed, allowing us to take a close look at cell behavior throughout an entire experiment. 96W1E+ arrays are also used for wound healing assays. In a wound healing assay, electrodes send out electrical currents that will kill the cells in the vicinity of the electrode. This process will cause the cell membranes to become porous, and medium will leak into the cell, causing it to die. Wound healing assays allow us to examine the rate at which other cells will move in to heal the wound.
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96W1E+ with closeup on electrodes |
The second array type we looked at was the 96W20idf array. This array has 96 wells, each with an interlocking pattern of electrodes which increases the total surface area significantly. More surface area allows us to take a look at more cells, therefore giving us data with greater statistical accuracy. However, for this accuracy we sacrifice the ability to examine micromotion and to perform wound-healing assays. Due to the large amount of electrode surface area, wounding would cause too many cells to die. I will be using this type of electrode in next week's experiment.
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96W20idf with closeup on electrodes |
Last week's data:
My data looked a little bit better than last week, yet I ended up with one outlier and my graphs seemed to suggest that my wells were a bit light on cells. Working with an 8 well electrode is much less statistically accurate because we are only looking at 2 wells of each cell mixture. If one (or both) of those wells differ from the true value, our data is more susceptible to error. Overall, I think my 96 experiments will be more representative of what is really happening when MDCK and BSC-I cells are co-cultured.
Next week's experiment:
I will be using a 96W20idf array to perform this co-culture experiment in a dilution series. It will be the most complicated experiment I've ever done, (and maybe even Applied Biophysics has ever done!) but here is the breakdown:
Cells: BSC-I and MDCKII
Procedure: Using 10 tubes, we will dilute MDCK with BSC-I cells for the first five columns, and then dilute the BSC-I cells with MDCK in the last 5 columns. I will pipette 400 µl of cell mixture into each well. These will be the volumes of cells per column I will need for this experiment.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Co-Culturing: Take 2!
Today at Applied Biophysics I worked with last week's data I from my co-culturing experiment. Sadly, the data did not turn out as expected. The experiment started out looking promising, however, the cells in every well died out around 15 hours. Our hypothesis as to why this happened? Using an array just after it has been etched is tricky. Arrays that have been recently etched tend to allow more liquid to wick up the sides of the wells. This means that the amount of medium in each well is thinly distributed, and the cells are unable to grow and divide in an environment with insufficient nutrients. Also, this causes the liquid to evaporate faster, thus leaving the remaining medium highly concentrated with saline. Cells cannot survive in such a hypertonic environment- they will shrivel and die due to osmosis.
I treated each of the wells with cysteine, which usually helps with the problem of liquid wicking up the sides of wells, but my array might have been too fresh (last week, I took my array straight from the plasma etcher to the hood). So, this week I repeated our experiment. All conditions remained the same, except I used an array that had been etched a few weeks ago. That should have fixed our problem! Hopefully next week's data goes smoothly!
I treated each of the wells with cysteine, which usually helps with the problem of liquid wicking up the sides of wells, but my array might have been too fresh (last week, I took my array straight from the plasma etcher to the hood). So, this week I repeated our experiment. All conditions remained the same, except I used an array that had been etched a few weeks ago. That should have fixed our problem! Hopefully next week's data goes smoothly!
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Friday was a busy day
for me at Applied Biophysics. I learned how to plasma etch an array,
interpreted the data from my 96 array experiment last week, and began my newest
project: co-culturing.
Applied Biophysics, we use plasma etching to sterilize electrode arrays. On
Friday, Dr. Keese put me in charge of the etching machine! First, I placed my
array (an 8W10E+) into the chamber that will be pumped down to create a
vacuum. We then pumped oxygen into this low-pressure chamber. After a few
repetitions of pumping down the chamber and adding gas, we were able to start
the plasma. Plasma is known as the fourth state of matter, because it is not a
solid, liquid or gas. It is instead a mixture of atoms, ions, and free
radicals. We sent an electrical charge through the chamber to create the
plasma. The plasma ions become activated by this electrical field,
and begin to vibrate and glow a white to purple color. The vibrating
ions essentially “scrub” the arrays in the chamber, leaving them sterile. Here
is a picture of the plasma we created inside the chamber (and a super nerdy
picture of me in front of the etcher):
from last week:
Last week Dr. Keese
and I created a 96 array dilution series, with half MDCK-II cells and half
BSC-I cells. Here is our graph using the ECIS software:
Kind of
crazy looking! Dr. Keese added a wound to the cells at 48 hours, which can be
seen in the dip and recovery of the green and dark blue lines. The rainbow
series of dots in the left hand column is the layout of the array wells.
Columns 1-6 are MDCK-II cells, and 7-12 are BSC-I cells. Each column has same
type and about the same concentration of cells, therefore we can group each
column (take the average of all wells per column), making a much more
manageable graph:
As you
can see, the lines that are a shade of blue (representing the MDCK-II cells)
take much more time to attach to the surface of the wells and form a confluent
layer compared to the BSC-I cells.
Friday, I began my own study on the subject of co-culturing. Co-culturing cells
means growing two different cell types together in one culture (or in my case,
well). By studying cells in this way, we are able to see how cells interact
with one another, in this case, how BSC-I cells will affect MDCK. Will one cell
type overtake the other? Will the cells grow in isolated groups? Will they
together form an evenly distributed confluent layer? To answer these questions,
I created a dilution series, (explained in last week's post), diluting MDCK cells
with BSC-1. I filled four tubes with 1ml of MDCK cells, and then added 1ml of
BSC-I to the second tube. I then mixed the contents of that tube, took 1ml of
the mixture, and dispensed it into the next tube. The overall array had 2 wells
of pure MDCK cells, 2 wells of a 50/50 mixture, 2 of .25/.75, and 2 of
.125/.875. I am looking forward to seeing these results next week!
Friday, January 10, 2014
It's been so long since I've been at my internship! It was a good thing I didn't forget what I had learned over winter break, because we started a much more complex experiment today! Today I got to work with a 96 well electrode known as a 96W1E. This wellpad works the same way an 8 well electrode would, but looks quite a bit different! Here is an image of my 96W1E, all filled up and ready to be placed into the ECIS station:
In today's experiment, we used two cell types: MDCK and BSC-1 cells in a dilution series. Dr. Keese demonstrated how to work with a 96 electrode, and proper pipetting techniques using an 8 tip pipette. He first pipetted 150 µl of cysteine into the first six columns of the wells. Cysteine is an amino acid that reacts with the gold of the electrodes, allowing proteins cells to attach and spread easily. While we waited for the cystine to react with the gold, a process that takes at least 5 minutes, he began to treat the MDCK cells with EDTA and trypsin to get the confluent layer of cells to be free-floating. Setting those cells aside, we began to prepare our dilution series. The main idea behind a dilution series is to examine how cells grow in environments of varying sparsity. We created cell mixtures in six test tubes with the following cell compositions: 1x, 1/2x, 1/4x, 1/8x, 1/16x and medium (0x). We got these mixtures by filling each test tube with 3mL of medium (except the 1x tube). The 1x tube was 6mL of a suspended MDCK cell mixture. We took 3mL from this tube and dispensed it into the second tube- 1/2x. We mixed the cells and the medium using a titration technique (aspirating and dispensing the mixture over and over again to make sure the cells are uniformly distributed). This step was repeated for each of the subsequent tubes, therefore making each tube half as concentrated as the preceding tube. Dr. Keese then pipetted the mixtures of varying concentration into 6 of the 12 columns. I repeated these steps on my own with the last 6 columns, using BSC-1 cells. Here is an image that shows the layout of the 96 wells:
Finally, we were ready to place our prepared 96W1E into its station! This station looked different than those that I have used with 8 well electrodes. Instead of teeth that attached to one end of the electrode, this station uses what Dr. Keese called, a "bed of nails" to transfer signals from the electrodes to the ECIS machine. Each of the gold "nails" would connect to a single electrode, relaying the electrical signal to the more advanced ECIS machine, the Zθ. This machine is different than the Z (which I am used to working with) because it uses a "complex impedance spectrum", meaning it can read cell behavior in Z, R, and C (impedance, resistance and capacitance).
Here is a sneak peak of the first 15 minutes of my graph. Looking forward to seeing my results next week!
Finally, we were ready to place our prepared 96W1E into its station! This station looked different than those that I have used with 8 well electrodes. Instead of teeth that attached to one end of the electrode, this station uses what Dr. Keese called, a "bed of nails" to transfer signals from the electrodes to the ECIS machine. Each of the gold "nails" would connect to a single electrode, relaying the electrical signal to the more advanced ECIS machine, the Zθ. This machine is different than the Z (which I am used to working with) because it uses a "complex impedance spectrum", meaning it can read cell behavior in Z, R, and C (impedance, resistance and capacitance).
Here is a sneak peak of the first 15 minutes of my graph. Looking forward to seeing my results next week!
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